October 3, 2012

Online Success

So I have still been doing this online dating thing and I have FINALLY met someone with some potential. I will admit that when I first met him I really didn't like him all that much....I found him to be cocky and insensitive. But, I still wanted to try to get to know him before I stuck with that perception of him. After hanging out with him a couple of times and and many phone texts/conversations he turned out to be a pretty decent dude.

To be honest I've been really careful with him. I don't want to be in a "Sexy Mexi" situation with him, you know when I'm digging him so much that I'm oblivious to the fact that he doesn't give 2 damns about me... and the only time I'm at the top of his list is when he wants to sex it up. But, I will admit he has grown on me significantly I have to continuously remind myself to not let myself get too involved and don't really read into anything he says; simply put... don't put all you r faith in him and then look stupid all due to the fact that you read into every line that came out of his perfect mouth.

In recent conversations he has hinted towards wanting a girlfriend and in some of these hints he has been, to me, insinuating that it is me he is referring to. I will admit I do get a little excited, but I quickly get back to earth and back to reality. I'm gonna tread softly for a while when it comes to him and just kinda sit back and observe him and where his head is at......

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